AMEO Network

AMEO is a partnership network of vocational special education institutions, consisting of Aitoo Koulutuskeskus, Ammattiopisto Live, Ammattiopisto Luovi, Ammattiopisto Spesia, Kiipula and Optima. The network was established in 2009.

Builder of the future of vocational special education.

Equal, accessible, and inclusive vocational education and working life for all.


  • Trust
    Mutual respect and trust form the basis of our partnership. We are committed to common goals, decisions made, and delivering on our promises. Our activities are based on openness, continuous equal dialogue, and inclusion.
  • Courage
    We boldly renew vocational special education and its operational environments. We advocate for our target groups and promote their interests in society. We actively utilize our expertise, experience, and research knowledge, and we anticipate and respond to societal changes. As a network, we are stronger together.
  • Passion
    We encourage a culture of agile experimentation. Innovations and ideas are born and realized through collaborative efforts and learning from each other. We achieve more together than we do individually.


  • Impact – Putting the special learner first
  • Collaboration – The A and O of the network + us = AMEO
  • Development – The will to succeed together

The network’s goals are to influence legislation and operational practices for the benefit of vocational special education and to develop and support its implementation.